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A Hunter's Guide Vol. 3 is a common book found in Hunting Shack.



Mastering the Bow, Part 1

Any hunter worth his salt knows that the bow is the primary weapon for hunting. A good bow will provide you the distance and agility you need to take down the most elusive of wildlife, not to mention protect you from other dangers that lurk in the woods. Mastering the bow is no easy task, but once it is done, you will find your hunting endeavors to be far from more rewarding.

One of the main ways to become a more effective archer is to learn the distance at which your arrows fly and how quickly they drop. This will allow you to know exacly where to aim, no matter how far the target is. A good way to gain this skill is to use trees or fruit in the world for aiming practice. Start out close to the object until you feel confident shooting it while moving and while stationary. Once you have that down, distance yourself a little bit further, and continue this until you can hit the object from a far distance.

Once you feel you have mastered this, it's time to move on to actual wildlife. After all, anyone can hit a stationary target. To truly be a master with the bow, you must be able to hit a target that is on the run.

Mastering the Bow, Part 2

Once you've got down the basic aiming aspect of the bow, it's time to hunt some actual wildlife. Gather your gear and head to the forest in search of some deer. Deer make good game to hunt since they wont attack you, but provide quite a challenge as they can run fast and are often on the move. Once you've finally found some deer, its time to put your skills to the test. Hunt as many deer as you can and learn how to lead the animal. You want to find the sweet spot where you can fire your bow ahead of the deer and land a critical shot, preferably in the head.

If you continue to put these tips into practice, you will be well on your way to mastering the bow and becoming a truly great hunter.
