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The Captain Longbrow's Journal is a common book found inside the abandoned campsite tent.



Captain Longbrow's Journal

My power and influence has grown in recent years. Pirates across the islands bend their knee to my will. At first, I was confused as to the reason for such submission. I mean I am a powerful Captain in my own right. But pirates are known to be an unruly bunch always prepared to commit mutiny. As I puzzled this power, I can only come to one conclusion. My hat.

I found this hat ages ago locked away in a strange chest deep within these ruins. As to who or what this hat belonged to before, I do not know. All I know is that this hat seemed to have a sort of mystical sense about it. When I put the hat on, it fit my head perfectly. I felt as if the hat were an extension of my own head. Ah, I love my hat. It is the true source of my power. So long as this hat remains atop my head, all the pirates shall bend to my will.

